Power Scaling

If you do not know what this is based on the title, part of me does not want you to know because of how a annoying of a subject it can be. Power scaling, on a topic of any form of fictional media, is when people compare characters based on their powers and skills. This is mostly done with superheros, it can be a fun little way to pass the time with a statistical comparison. Like saying who is the strongest, The Hulk or The Thing, based on their various feats in their respective stories. Of course people recognize this as something that kids do to say their favorite hero is better. Yet, as you get older, you may find yourself in the company of people who take this test of knowledge too far in conversation.

Ultimately this is just a test of  knowledge between fans to show how much they have read over the years. Still, there are people who take it too far and completely disregard others opinions and likes to make some form of point about who is better. There are people who will bring up very old and obscure references that do not even have an influence on who the character is anymore. Some will even interject in other peoples conversations just to point out some pointless fact to make a point. For instance, if two friends decide they want to sit away from people and talk about the recent comics of Batman and his decisions in the comic, there can be a problem. Someone would walk up, out of know where, just to point out a very old comic that has nothing to do with the comic to make some point.

It is fine to talk about the things you enjoy in a constructive manner, but that is not an excuse to over interject with other people. There are people who enjoy the same things as you, but they can certainly find a way to be rude about it. If there is anyone to say that those people can not help themselves for whatever reason, at some point personal responsibility becomes a factor. Those people realize this and chose not to change because they feel like they don't have too. Power scaling can be fun, but it not have have to be rude.


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