Stepping into Comics

Getting into comics can be one of the easiest or hardest hobbies that a person can get into without having prior knowledge to exactly what they are or how they work. Most experienced readers make it look easy to find a decent story-line or graphic novel that many people would be willing to read. New comers to comics feel intimidated by both comics and experienced readers, thus they are wary of just jumping into them. Anyone with any interest in reading comicbooks or graphic novels can follow these steps to make the process easier:

  1. Find a good genre: Comics are not limited to just stories about superheroes or even just action centered works.  Many people do not attempt to read comics as they do not just want to read about super heroes. Different genres can be searched for online to widen the ranch of possible books to read. 
  2. Look through different publishers: Most people have in some way heard of the two main comic publishers, Marvel and DC, or at least one of their properties. These two overshadow the other very popular publishers. Just by picking up something with different logo an entirely new form of writing that can attract you better than the first two.
  3. Look for a decent source: Not everyone has to easy access to a comicbook shop, so just try to look for any source that you can to get what series you may enjoy. There are apps, websites, as well as book retailers that also sell comics. These all make viable options to acquire comics and graphic novel, just making sure you have options makes the search easier. 
  4. Ask friends for help: Experienced fans will naturally push the works they read immediately and will ignore what their friend enjoys. However, you are still able to ask your friend in the hope that they will be able to advice you in the direction of what you would enjoy. You can always ask for a recommendation, but it best to figure out what you want before you do.
  5. Ask shop owner for help: Comic shop owners are there to help you with what you what you want. They tend to have a decent amount of knowledge on the comics, so they will have multiple recommendations that are enjoyable.
  6. Find an interesting cover: How well the art is done can really make or break the interest someone can have in a book. The cover can give a good indication of what the art in the comic is like. Sometimes just grabbing something can lead to good results.
If you are going to attempt to get into a new hobby you can at least make sure that you can consistently enjoy it. The main point is to open up your options to something good within the comic medium. No one can tell you what you like, just find what you want to read. 


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