Independent Comics move to Cinema

For at least the last decade Marvel and DC have captivated audiences with their well received cinematic adaptations of some of their more popular comic story lines for the masses around the world. The public has become painfully more aware of the production of comic book movies since the actors on screen are put on display in either shiny red armor or bright blue spandex. There are some that would even believe that the industry is over-saturated with these particular type of movie, at least as far as the superhero genre. Yet, comics have been an intrinsic part of American film making for the for several decades now. Movies so popular and commonly recognized people would be shocked to know they were based on comics.

A very popular group of movies to start with recognizing as comic adaptations would have to be the "Men in Black" franchise starring Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones. The comic for which was published initially in 1990 by Aircel Comics and  written by Lowell Cunningham. The dramatic pseudo-historical movie "300," a movie that seemed like it was made to be nothing more than a Hollywood blockbuster, originated as a graphic novel. It was published by Dark Horse Comics and written by Frank Miller, a writer who has created several other works deemed well within their rights to grace the big screen.

There have been, of course, several movies that would not be too difficult to convince most people came from and independent comic. Movies like "V for Vendetta" or "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" are highly rated movie with small fan followings who are obviously aware of their origins. Plus, anyone new to the films would not be very surprised based on the movies peculiar subject matter. Movies like "Timecop (1994)" or "Judge Dredd (1995)" would only be a surprise due to the fact that they feature famous actions stars like Jean-Claude Van Damme or Sylvester Stallone. Comics have been an important brand of source material that the film industry will draw on for many more years to come.


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