Playing a few Games

Whenever I head to my local comic shop to pick-up my pull list and I should be so lucky to meet a few friends, we will play a board game.

We may decide to pick from the few that are set aside for the customers, all very fun games. But we may also see another game, that is not on the shelf, that is worth the new purchase to play.

Certain games that are either board games or table-top will have very impressive looking rule books. Some are tailored to the game, others are tailored to a style.

From there we find a table to sit down and set-up the game to play. Usually we play out in front where more people will see us in case they want to join in for a game.

Other times, when we want to have a more private game, we will sit away from everyone else. We do so in a glass boxed off area where people can still see us.

Sometimes if the game we might want to play is being used we will usually just play a video game. Thankfully there are always some made for groups.

Putting away some time to get together, if even for just a little while, can really be worth. Even if you lose a couple times at a game, you and your friends can still manage to have some fun.


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