Venom Prints Money

Based on the title most people would naturally assume that I am referring to the recently released major motion picture, Venom, but I am actually just talking about the character. For his thirty year existence in comics, the large toothed snarling monster has been beloved by both large and small groups of fans. Both as a primary villain and as an anti-hero, the Venom has been able to pull in both old and new readers, and sometimes viewers. Some could argue that Venom has never really had very much depth as far as characterization, but that has never stopped people from enjoying reading about him. So much so that the publisher that owns him, Marvel, have seen it fit on several occasions to give him major stories to appear in when they feel like making money

Venom was fist introduced into comics in the early 80's on the pages of "The Amazing Spider-Man," not as a villain, but as a suit. Not many no this or that the suit appeared as part of the aftermath of a major storyline at the time known as "Secret Wars." A great deal of people will probably recognize the character as one of the villains in the 2007 film "Spider-Man 3" played by Topher Grace. However, comic fans will always know him as the Spider-man villain that with pure existence was able to gain enough popularity to warrant him having his own comic series, a rare occurrence. Venom is so popular that he managed to get his own successful full length live-action film that none of his fans would have ever believed would have happened if you told them it would exist a year ago.

Venom received his first major story with him in the role of the hero in ironic title "Venom: Lethal Protector." This comic would be acknowledged as one of the greatest venom stories to be presented to fans, that only enlarged his massive popularity. The story not only makes Venom a hero, but it also pushes the idea of creating more characters like Venom to include in his stories. One of which I believe was included in the recent movie. Venom and characters like him, called symbiotes, are scary nightmarish monsters that make perfect bad guys for a hero. That is what makes it so interesting to see Venom portrayed as a hero in any media, his character makes you wonder what it  means to be a person or a monster.


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