Forever Alone: Avoidance of Planet Hulk

The epic trail of the Hulk and his alternate ego, Bruce Banner, during the series of events known as Planet Hulk have been adored as one of the most enticing stories by Marvel Comics. The tale is littered with action, doused in brotherhood, and ignited by revolution. Such an incredible series of comics can almost make someone forget that the entire story was only made possible by being incited by betrayal. Planet Hulk is a storyline that is a part of the original The Incredible Hulk series of comics during the early 2000's. This story was written by Greg Pak in 2006, a long time writer for Marvel who is also responsible for what could be considered the aftermath to the events of Planet Hulk, World War Hulk. This series was so popular it received an animated movie adaptation and part of the story will be involved in the upcoming live action movie Thor Ragnarok. The story does not begin in The Incredible Hulk #92 when the Hulk lands on Sakaar, a constantly aggressive wor...